
Saint Bernard

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Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard Training

If you start training off early with your Saint Bernard, they are capable of learning a lot! Since this breed is a working dog at heart, they’re naturals when it comes to understanding commands and completing tasks. Begin with the basics such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Always use a calm yet firm “no!” when correcting bad behaviour, and soon your Saint Bernard will understand this command as well. It’s important to prioritize praise in your training rather than punishment. Saint Bernards are loyal dogs who want to please—harsh scolding will upset them more than it will teach. A patient attitude will definitely pay off when it comes to training your Saint Bernard puppy.

Saint Bernard Puppy

Selecting a Saint Bernard Puppy

Drop Furry Dog Ears

Saint Bernard Puppy Ears

Healthy puppies will have clean ears with no signs of discharge, redness, inflammation or pungent odour. If the puppy is aggressively scratching or pawing their ear, tilting their head or excessively flipping their head, it may also be a sign of discomfort. Breeds with floppy ears are more prone to infection or disease.


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