
Miniature Pinscher

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Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher Training

Energetic and curious is the best way to describe a Miniature Pinscher puppy. You must watch this bundle of energy at all times otherwise it will get into just about everything. Chewing shoes, going through the compost, peeing on the carpet, you name it, they'll probably do it. Therefore, you must begin obedience training and housebreaking your Min Pin immediately. Basic commands will be learnt best with firm direction, consistency, and positive reinforcement. When it comes to housebreaking your Min Pin though, it may feel impossible. You don't want to spend 12-16 years of your life cleaning up after their mistakes, so make this a priority. Take your puppy outside every 30 minutes and immediately after it eats and drinks. Since Miniature Pinschers are usually up to trouble if they aren't under constant supervision, crate training is highly recommended. Tuck them away if they need to calm down or if you’re busy in the house. They’re way too cute to punish, so keep your eyes and ears open during the puppy years!

Miniature Pinscher Puppy

Selecting a Miniature Pinscher Puppy

Drop Dog Ears Not Furry

Miniature Pinscher Puppy Ears

Healthy puppies will have clean ears with no signs of discharge, redness, inflammation or pungent odour. If the puppy is aggressively scratching or pawing their ear, tilting their head or excessively flipping their head, it may also be a sign of discomfort. Breeds with floppy ears are more prone to infection or disease.


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