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Mastiff Training

As babies, a Mastiff is a cute, playful, floppy lug of puppy. Their loyalty and love for you will make training them both rewarding and hilarious. Mastiffs aren't known for their high intelligence, and in fact, get distracted quite easily. As a puppy they will do everything slow, including learning. This can be frustrating for some, yet funny for others. Try not to take it too seriously. However, socialization for your Mastiff should be a top priority. You should surround your pup with other people and dogs very early and often. This breed is leery of strangers and may develop aggression towards other animals if not raised properly. You should start with basic commands such as sit, come, and heel. Break up the training sessions so they don’t get sidetracked and become bored. Mastiffs respond best when they feel special and loved, and of course, with treats. And lastly, don't take it personally if you find your pup preferring a nap over training. It's really hard work being a puppy after all.

 Mastiff Puppy

Selecting a Mastiff Puppy

Drop Dog Ears Not Furry

Mastiff Puppy Ears

Healthy puppies will have clean ears with no signs of discharge, redness, inflammation or pungent odour. If the puppy is aggressively scratching or pawing their ear, tilting their head or excessively flipping their head, it may also be a sign of discomfort. Breeds with floppy ears are more prone to infection or disease.


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