This ultra sporty dog breed is perfect for an active and athletic owner. The German Wirehaired Pointer is happiest when it’s on the move and helping with a job. Their history dates back to the 19th century when they were bred to be a highly versatile “gundog” for hunters in Continental Europe. They were the pride of German sportsmen!
A mix of the German Shorthaired Pointer, Deutscher Stichelhaar, and Pudelpointer, this is a dog that’s comfortable on all terrain, including water. They also have webbed paws to help with swimming. Their identifiable trait is their wiry brown and white coat that protects them in any weather. The German Wirehaired Pointer’s beard and busy eyebrows might make them look like a cartoony old man, but that extra hair serves a purpose—it protects their face as they root around in thorny bushes.
An easy-to-please dog, the German Wirehaired Pointer serves as a loyal companion for every member of your family. They love to be around people and roam free in rural environments. This is not a couch-cuddly apartment dog. The German Wirehaired Pointer are meant for the great outdoors and tracking game in the countryside.
Daily kibble serving
2-3 cups
Daily exercise
2 hours
Grooming frequency
Brushed Regularly
This high energy breed will gobble up almost anything you put in front of them. A high-quality and high-protein kibble will make sure that your German Wirehaired Pointer is getting the nutrients they need for a long and healthy life. It’s recommended to feed them 2.5 to 3 cups of food a day, split into two meals. There shouldn’t be any grazing—your dog will quickly learn that when meal time is over, the kibble goes away. This practice will stop your dog from overeating and gaining extra weight that can cause health problems as they age.