
Chow Chow

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Chow Chow

Chow Chow Training

You will need dedication and patience when training your Chow puppy. It is a dog who is independent and will want to make decisions on its own. When you are starting out, keep your Chow on a short leash. This will teach your dog that you are the caregiver and boss, building a bond of trust between the two of you. The puppy will do best with short training sessions that end with high rewards. Chows will need a good reason to listen, and treats usually do the trick. Crate training, taking your puppy outside often, and using the crate are all ways to help with housetraining. Listening and obedience will need repetitive commands and commitment from the owner. Your pup will push the boundaries, so be prepared!

Chow Chow Puppy

Selecting a Chow Chow Puppy

Dog Bat Ears

Chow Chow Puppy Ears

Healthy puppies will have clean ears with no signs of discharge, redness, inflammation or pungent odour. If the puppy is aggressively scratching or pawing their ear, tilting their head or excessively flipping their head, it may also be a sign of discomfort. Breeds with floppy ears are more prone to infection or disease.


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