
Belgian Malinois

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Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois Training

Although they’re loyal, protective and love spending time with their owners, Belgian Malinois aren’t the typical family dog—work is their play, and they need above-average activity and mental stimulation. Start training by taking your Belgian Malinois puppy to public places, meeting other dogs and having visitors to your home so they learn not to feel threatened. Keep obedience training positive with firm and consistent, emphasizing “stay” and “leave it” for when their instinct to chase kicks in—don’t forget to hold on tight to their leash when out for walks. Puppies can handle training sessions around 10 minutes long, but adult Belgian Malinois can be attentive for up to an hour and will relish in the stimulation of multiple daily training sessions. Because of their strong personalities and tendency to herd and nip, this breed isn’t recommended for households with small children or small pets. 

Belgian Malinois Puppy

Selecting a Belgian Malinois Puppy

Prick Dog Ears

Belgian Malinois Puppy Ears

Belgian Malinois puppy ears can be floppy until 3-4 months old, but should develop into stiff, triangle-shaped ears that stand erect on the head and are proportional in size. Healthy puppies will have clean ears with no signs of discharge, redness, inflammation or pungent odour. If the puppy is aggressively scratching or pawing their ear, tilting their head or excessively flipping their head, it may also be a sign of discomfort. Breeds with floppy ears are more prone to infection or disease.


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